Nerd Survivors now available on Xbox!

It’s almost a perfect circle—our first ever published game was Doom & Destiny on Xbox360, and 13 years later, our latest one is still on Xbox 🍻
Nerd Survivors NOW lands on XBOX SERIE X/S, and it’s better than ever!

Join our beloved team of super nerdy friends as they battle hordes of raging monsters 🍕
Dive into this mind-numbing mayhem, level up your nerds to epic levels, and unleash DPS on all your foes! Get your copy on Xbox, support the team, and become the ultimate nerd 🤓

Nerd Survivors now available on Nintendo Switch!

ITSUMI, NERD SURVIVORS on Nintendo Switch!!!
Our beloved nerds are back on Nintendo and are ready to throw explosive pizzas, cast magic missiles and fart on every enemy of the game!
Nerd Survivors is a rogue-lite bullet-hell set in the Doom & Destiny Worlds universe, a fun and casual adventure to keep you busy during this hot hot summer!
Are you nerd enough to survive… on the Nintendo Switch?

Nerd Survivors now available on Playstation!

It’s time to make some room on your Playstation memory card because Nerd Survivors has just been released on the PlayStation Digital Store!

Use explosive pizzas, enchanted fidget spinners, or a katamari of monsters to fight countless enemy hordes! Repair the “Forge of Destiny” and craft the ultimate custom weapon in this comedy action rogue-lite survivor set in the Doom & Destiny Worlds universe.

BTW, the game is NOT available on PS1, only on PS4 and PS5 😀

13 years of Doom & Destiny!

🇮🇹 13 anni fa ci avventuravamo nel nostro primo dungeon. Mai avremmo pensato che ci avremmo messo radici in quel magico mondo che è il “fare videogiochi”. Abbiamo voluto celebrare questo traguardo con una serie di video dal gusto molto amatoriale, ma carichi di passione e incoscienza, esattamente la stessa che 13 anni fa ci fece iniziare la serie di Doom & Destiny.
🇺🇸 Thirteen years ago, we embarked on our first dungeon adventure. Little did we know that it would mark the beginning of our journey into the magical world of game development. To celebrate this milestone, we’re releasing a series of videos. They may have an amateurish flair, but they’re filled with passion—the same passion that drove us to start the Doom & Destiny series thirteen years ago.

We apologize for the videos not being in English, but since they were made without a script, we felt more comfortable doing them in Italian. We will do our best to create another series in English very soon!

Nerd Survivors is OUT NOW!

I know every developer says this, but we are VERY EXCITED to announce that we’ve just released Nerd Survivors!

If you’re craving a distraction, some chaotic action, or just want to support us, my dearest friends, look no further because Nerd Survivor is here!

Our adventure with Nerd Survivors has just begun! We’re already working on localization, new maps, characters, weapons, and challenges to keep you entertained for hours on end!

All you need to do is get the game and start pew-pewing those monsters!

Nerd Survivors DEMO is now available on Steam

Hello dudes and dudettes,

NERD SURVIVORS Demo is NOW available on Steam!

We want to express our gratitude to all the playtesters who helped refine the game. The demo is just a small pizza slice, and we have tons more toppings to add to this nerdy action roguelite pizza! If you want to take a bite, download the demo and add the game to your Wishlist to stay updated when we serve this action-packed roguelite adventure!

Heartbit Interactive is going to Gamescom Cologne

Hello dudes and dudettes,
your smiliest team of indie devs is taking a break during the month of August in order to get ready & rested for GAMESCOM in Cologne later this month.
We have big plans for the years to come, but first we will need to have all our HP & MP healed and a bag full of loot and golden coins to do anything!
Wish us the best and pray the Flying Spaghetti Monster ’cause we will need all your psychic support 🍝🍻

I love the smell of fish in the morning!

FREE CONTENT UPDATE for Doom & Destiny Worlds!

Captain Fintus needs your help to catch all the fishes of Doom & Destiny Worlds :arm:

Why? ‘Cause he’s gonna give you some rad reward, that’s why!!!

A hero never ask for a cause, only for the loot :beer~1:

Sail to 1-2 Reef and talk to Captain Fintus to unlock the Fishing Pole. With it, you’ll be able, while on a boat, to catch fish while standing near a fishing spots!