Your Trip to Night City - Best Routes to Take Your Ride for a Spin

Get behind the wheel and ride to your heart’s content — when it comes to getting from A to B, Night City is a driver’s city! From supercars and high-class cruisers to trucks, budget bangers, motorbikes, and even armored vans, the streets of the city are waiting for you to burn some rubber. So turn on the radio and start driving; we’ve picked some routes and areas that are just perfect to cruise through at high speed (with or without unwanted attention) or on a leisurely night drive. Start your engines, chooms!

  • Rattlesnake Creek — If you’re looking for some off-roading action, the Badlands is where you wanna be. The beauty of the desert is you can swerve from just about any road and speed away freely without a second thought — and we’ve found a decent starting point for your adventure, a route that feels a touch different to the wide-open sands. Rattlesnake Creek is in the southern Badlands, beyond the solar power station. This dried-up riverbed feels custom built for tearing through at speed, and it’ll give you a bit of a challenge as you try to maintain control in the wet sand while navigating past rock formations between the creek’s jagged walls. It’s a good plan to start this route from the Lake Farm — just up the hill to the east (just past the dam). Not far from the Lake Farm travel station, you’ll be able to take a left turn down a steep slope. There you can build up a head of speed before cutting left at the bottom, into the creek itself. Now, try to get to the end and join up with the tarmac without crashing!

  • North Oak Hills — See how the elite of Night City live in North Oak! Their mansions mark the winding, palm-tree-dotted hills, and the roads that take you through this bubble of wealth also make for a pretty fun route to drive. You can start out from Charter Hill at the edge of Westbrook and follow the main road that leads past the Columbarium. As you head up the incline, things start to get greener and greener and you’ll quickly see the iconic North Oak sign come into view. From there, you can cut right and climb further into the hills — swinging behind the sign — or take the left route past the roundabout. Either way you choose, you can enjoy a peppy drive that’ll loop you through North Oak. You’ll take sloping turns and even dart through a couple of short tunnels. If you’re gunning it at high speed, a motorbike is recommended — though it’s still a challenge to stay on the narrow roads (just part of the thrill, right?). But if you like to take things more casual, make sure to slow down and soak in the rewarding views of Night City’s skyline as you go!

  • Newly Opened Highway — Not too long ago, the once-thought “abandoned” highway running from Japantown’s Westbrook to Wellsprings in Heywood was finally finished and opened to all! This route is a fantastic urban tour through Night City, winding past skyscrapers and megabuildings, and offering an up-close look at the difference in architecture as you cruise between districts. Traffic moves at a swift pace here, so you can afford to keep your foot down on straights and as you take long bends. You can even link this route from the North Oak drive, as you can get onto this highway just off the large roundabout on the edge of Wellsprings, not far from the hills (just take a right when you see the construction equipment!). This highway drive is especially cool at night — rain makes it extra moody! But one note of caution: since reopening, the highway has been reported as a Tyger Claws hotspot, so keep your eyes peeled.

  • Kabuki Slums to Corpo Plaza — A longer route, but one that’ll take you through two contrasting lifestyles of Night City, and present some pretty awe-inspiring urban vistas on the way. For this, you’ll ideally want to start on the overpass near Charter Street in Kabuki, Watson district. There’s an elevated road that stretches through Kabuki, heading south. As you descend down the bending overpass, you’ll be instantly met with a wide, mesmerizing view onto Night City’s distant megabuildings, while below you lie the Kabuki slums, with their narrow roads, packed-together apartments, and gang-ridden streets. As the overpass levels out, you’ll be able to bend right, then left, joining up with one of the main roads that stretch to the southern tip of this district. As you speed down this road, it’ll ease right and lead you towards a bridge that’ll take you across to the City Center district. Enjoy a wide straightaway, with corpo skyscrapers dominating your view ahead, before finally coming out close to Corpo Plaza’s majestic roundabout — complete with koi carp fish holograms swimming through the air! Now you’re here, you can donut through the Plaza roundabout to your heart���s content, then take any of the exits and head deeper into Night City.