Conan Exiles Wiki

A White Rhino is a creature in Conan Exiles.

White Rhino
White Rhino
ID: Wildlife_RhinoWhite
Map Exiled Lands
HP 1298
Armor 53
KB Defense 1000
Base XP 18900
Group Beast
Temperament Aggressive
Biomes Savanna (EL)
Location The Crowngrove, Rhinohorn Ridge
Harvestables Bone, Exotic Flesh, Thick Hide, White Rhino Head


A large, heavily built, plant-eating mammal with one or two horns on its nose and thick folded skin.

White Rhinos occupy a small area around Sepermeru near the King Rhino.


  • Rhinos are short-sighted and will only attack nearby threats. In deadly situations it is often sufficient to run a short distance away, as they will not follow the player over a long distance.
  • Their initial attack is often a charge attack that will knock down anything they hit and inflict large amounts of trample damage.
  • They deal moderate damage, but have a lot of HP.



  • Rhinos are short-sighted and will only attack you if you come too close.
  • Their fairly large HP pool and medium damage attacks make them a challenge for lone barbarians.
  • They are a good source of Icon thick hide-1 Thick Hide.
  • Try attacking it from the back, as it turns relatively slow.
  • Has the same stats as the Grey Rhino, but with lighter skin.

