
Create account
1. Jovan Kukić1631.412    
2. cule1510.707    
3. ScoobyDoo1399.267    
4. LDeska1392.433    
5. plewan_791167.414    
6. pawelt1152.346    
7. leszek19761130.112    
8. wraith1125.224    
9. Lary331120.456    
10. jaCO?!1096.129    

Prizes sent
Today prizes for tourneys (Civ4 and Civ5) and civ-knowledge contest have been sent. Only one foreigner gained prize - our offical KAC Civ5 mug - ot4e you may expect it in few days from now!

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2011-03-08 10:44:56   LDeska
Tournament start !
Players drawn, the players are ready. Therefore, we can start the tournament. Below is a ladder.

Drabinka Civilization IV

Drabinka Civilization V

Good luck
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2010-11-29 21:23:12   Anonymous
Civ 5 in stores
From today Civ5 is available in shops in Poland and whole Europe. We invite you to buy it and join us in playing Civ5 in multiplayer mode (our clan: POLKAC on steam) and singleplayer mode (GOTM etc).
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2010-09-24 10:42:01   LDeska
PBEM Blue Lagoon finished
Congratulations for PawelT who won PBEM Blue Lagoon! Final standings are as follows:
1. PawelT
2. Deb
3. LDeska
4. Marw
5. Wnuczuś
6. Num-lock
7. Marba

You can see summary with animated gif showing how countries grew by clicking on links below:

PBEM Blue Lagoon forum

Summary of PBEM

Secret pacts (revelead after game finished)

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2010-09-23 23:05:26   LDeska
Civ5 playable demo
As Greg from 2K revealed on 2KGames forum the playable demo of Civ5 will be available today - 21.IX.2010 - from 10:00 EDT which is 16:00 CET (Central European Time).

Demo will let us play as one of three civilizations for maximum of 150 turns and tech tree will be limited to Medieval era. It will allow to play only "Small continents" map on normal game speed.

Source: http://forums.2kgames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87277

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2010-09-21 10:29:02   LDeska
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