Account managent

by satanlilith

Original Post

Accepted Solution

Account managent

★★★ Newbie

In 2014 i created an account cause i'd bought a game. I linked with an email adress, but never verificated it. So now i bought one more game and it was added to my old accout. But i can't manage my account without verififcation. Buuut when i hit the button to send an email to me to verify my account it never comes. I've tried a dozen times, but the letter just never comes. I have access to my email adress, and i even tried to switch to another one, but it wont let me because at first i need to verify it :c Pleaaase help . I cant even change this stupid login name which i have came up with as a kid -_-

Message 1 of 2 (3,395 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Account managent

[ Edited ]
Community Manager

Hi there, @satanlilith.


If you're not receiving the account verification email, please try contacting @EAHelp through Twitter or open a case with a live support advisor here: You can also go to to get in touch with support. They'll look into this for you. Thanks!


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Message 2 of 2 (3,341 Views)

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Re: Account managent

[ Edited ]
Community Manager

Hi there, @satanlilith.


If you're not receiving the account verification email, please try contacting @EAHelp through Twitter or open a case with a live support advisor here: You can also go to to get in touch with support. They'll look into this for you. Thanks!

Message 2 of 2 (3,342 Views)