Re: XXX Bones

by EA_Aljo

Original Post

Accepted Solution

XXX Bones

[ Edited ]
★★ Newbie

Why is [REMOVED] banning people for playing with no reason, 



Edit: Removed player ID and rude comment. -CM


Message 1 of 4 (478 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: XXX Bones

Community Manager



Your comment was edited to remove the player ID and rude remark. It is against the Answers HQ rules to "name and shame". Players should be reported by using the instructions in the article here. Thank you.


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Message 3 of 4 (446 Views)

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Re: XXX Bones

★ Guide
@LtEagle8529 Theres a thing here i believe about naming players and im sure its not accepted.
You can report players with this link
Hope this helps
Message 2 of 4 (457 Views)

Re: XXX Bones

Community Manager



Your comment was edited to remove the player ID and rude remark. It is against the Answers HQ rules to "name and shame". Players should be reported by using the instructions in the article here. Thank you.

Message 3 of 4 (447 Views)

Re: XXX Bones

Hi @LtEagle8529 This sounds like a privately rented server, so you'd need to contact the owner or an admin to ask why you have been removed or banned from the server. However, people renting servers can run them as they see fit, provided that they're following the user agreement.

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Message 4 of 4 (342 Views)