Re: New account - BAN

by EA_Pulsar

Original Post

Accepted Solution

New account - BAN

★★★ Newbie



I bought on internet BF4 account. Traying to connect on EGL servers and I can not. Because I have TK BAN. Is there chance to unban? Nick "Suliam00".

Message 1 of 3 (448 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: New account - BAN

Community Manager

@Suliam00  Please note that buying or selling accounts is against our Terms of Service and the User Agreement


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Message 3 of 3 (388 Views)

All Replies

Re: New account - BAN

★★★★★ Guide

Hello @Suliam00,


If you have been banned on a specific server for team killing you need to contact the server owner to get unbanned.


Best regards,


Message 2 of 3 (424 Views)

Re: New account - BAN

Community Manager

@Suliam00  Please note that buying or selling accounts is against our Terms of Service and the User Agreement


Message 3 of 3 (389 Views)